Patina Formulas for Brass, Bronze and Copper

Cold Process = Cold solution, Cold metal, Cold rinse water.
Hot Process = Hot solution, Hot metal, Hot rinse water.
Select coloring effect and learn how to create it with the formula.
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1. Light to Dark Brown
- Ferric Nitrate... 1/2 tsp [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 pint
Hot or cold process. (Red to reddish brown has also been reported using this recipe.)
2. Brown to Black
- Sulfurated Potash grape sized lump (crushed). [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 pint
Hot or cold process. Use fresh solution each time.
3. Blackish Brown
- Ferric Nitrate... 2 oz [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 pint
- Sulfurated Potash... 1/4 oz [MORE INFO]
Hot or cold process. Mix in the order given.
4. Florentine Brown
- Ferric Chloride... 1 tsp [MORE INFO]
- Ferric Nitrate... 1/2 tsp [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 pint
Hot or cold process. This old Italian formula produces a rich brown patina.
5. Antique Green
- Ammonium Chloride... 1/3 oz [MORE INFO]
- Cupric Sulfate... 3 oz [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 quart
Hot process. Solution hot (180 to 190°F), metal hot (200°F), cold wash water applied after metal has cooled to around 100°F. Wash solution over metal surface, let dry, then wash piece in cool water. Repeat until color develops.
6. Basic Green
- Cupric Nitrate... 1 tsp [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 pint
Hot process, semi-transparent patina. Heat metal and apply a fresh mixture for each coloring.
7. Blue Green
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 1/4 oz [MORE INFO]
- Ferric Nitrate... 2 oz [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 quart
Hot process. Solution hot (180 to 190°F), metal hot (200°F), cold wash water applied after metal has cooled to around 100°F. Wash solution over metal surface, let dry, then wash piece in cool water. Repeat until color develops. For Yellow Green, dip in dilute nitric acid, then wash and dry.
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8. Cold Process Green
- Cupric Nitrate... 40 gm [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Chloride... 40 gm [MORE INFO]
- Calcium Chloride... 40 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water to make 1 liter
A cold process, opaque patina. Frog green results after several applications, 1/2 hour intervals. Color is not satisfactory alone. Combines well with most brown and black cold process patinas.
9. Light Green
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 6-8 oz. [MORE INFO]
- Ferric Nitrate... 2-3 oz. [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water ... 1 gal.
Hot process. Solution and metal hot (140 to 160°F).
10. Green
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 8 oz. [MORE INFO]
- Lead Acetate... 1-3 oz. [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 gal.
A cold process that is said to work well on brass.
11. Green - Blue (Flemish)
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 8 oz. [MORE INFO]
- Lead Acetate... 1-3 oz. [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 gal.
Temperature at 170 to 190°F, a hot process especially for brass.
12. Purple to Light Green
- Sodium Chloride... 5 parts [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Hydroxide... 4 parts [MORE INFO]
Parts by weight. Early stages of this recipe produce purple. Additional applications and chemical action turn the metal light green.
13. Transparent Blue
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 60 gm [MORE INFO]
- Nitric Acid Concentrated... 4 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 quart
A transparent, dip process patina. A preservative such as paste wax or polyurethane is necessary. May produce a grey blue when tap water is used.
14. Blue
- Sulfurated Potash... 15 gm [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Chloride... 200 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water 1 quart
Brush onto surface.
15. Straw Yellow
- Ferric Nitrate... 1/2 tsp [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1/2 pint
Heat metal and apply hot liquid.
16. Golden Yellow
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 1/4 oz [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water 1 quart
Heat solution to a boil. Dip.
17. Deep Rust Red
- Cupric Nitrate... 48 grains [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Chloride... 48 grains [MORE INFO]
- Calcium Chloride... 20 grains [MORE INFO]
- Cupric Sulfate... 10 grains [MORE INFO]
- Oxalic Acid... 10 grains [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 4 oz
- Nitric Acid 10%
Brush to surface for color. Then dip into diluted (1 acid:8 water) Nitric acid for 1/2 hour, remove, wash and dry.
18. Purple
- Sodium Chloride... 5 parts [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Hydroxide... 4 parts [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Chloride... 5 parts [MORE INFO]
- Glacial Acetic Acid... 4 parts [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 32 parts
Parts by weight. Brush to surface.
19. Antique White
- Bismuth Nitrate... 2 tsp. [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 8 oz.
Heat metal and apply liquid. Variations of this formula add a pinch of Sulfurated Potash, Ferric Nitrate, or Cupric Nitrate for a slight coloring effect.
Formulas Suggested for Specific Metals.
20. Red - semi-matt (for Copper & Copper Plate)
- (A) Cupric Sulfate... 25 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1L
- (B) Ammonium Chloride... 0.5 gm [MORE INFO]
Boil immersion (A) 15 min.
Boil immersion (A)+(B) 10 min.
Immerse in boiling cupric sulfate solution about 15 min. or until color well developed.
Remove to hot water while ammonium chloride is added to the cupric sulfate solution. Then immerse about 10 min. Remove and wash in hot water. Dry and finish.
Important note: In general, chemically induced finishes are unsuitable for use on articles to be used with food.
21. Dull Pink (for Copper & Copper Plate)
- Cupric Nitrate... 1 tsp [MORE INFO]
- Nitric Acid 10% ... 100 ml [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1L
Hot immersion - 5 min.
Immerse in hot solution (140-158°F, 60-70°C) which etches surface. Remove after 5 min., wash in warm water and air dry. Wax finish.
22. Red-Purple Satin (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Sulfate... 25 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1L
Boiling immersion (10 to 30 min.)
Immerse in boiling solution. A reddish orange color begins after 2-3 min. and deepens with continued immersion. When a reddish-purple color is attained from 10 to 30 min. remove and wash well in hot water. Dry and wax finish if choose.
23. Orange-Brown (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Acetate... 25 gm [MORE INFO]
- Cupric Sulfate... 19 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1L
Heat immersion (15 min)
Immerse in hot solution (176°F, 80°C). Color develops gradually and remove after 15 min. Wash and dry wax finish if choose.
24. Black - semi-gloss (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 50 gm [MORE INFO]
- Ferric Nitrate... 12.5 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1L
Hot immersion (20 min.)
Immerse in hot solution (140-158°F, 60-70°C). In one minute the surface is colored blue-purple. This recedes to a brown color, then changing to gray. After 20 min., remove, washing in hot water and dry in air. Handle as little as possible.
25. Blue Green (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Sulfate... 20 gm [MORE INFO]
- Cupric Acetate... 20 gm [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Chloride... 10 gm [MORE INFO]
- Acetic Acid (6% soln.)... to form a paste. [MORE INFO]
Applied paste - several days.
Using a mortar and pestle, grind ingredients to a creamy paste with the acetic acid. Apply paste to object with a soft brush giving a thick coating. Dry for one day. Wash dry residue away under cold water using a soft brush. Apply a thin layer of paste with a soft cloth and dry again for one day. Wash off residue again. Apply thin layer and dry until good variegated patina is achieved. When treatment completed, dry thoroughly. May be waxed.
26. Golden Yellow (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Sulfate... 50 gm [MORE INFO]
- Ferrous Sulfate... 5 gm [MORE INFO]
- Zinc Sulfate... 5 gm [MORE INFO]
- Potassium Permanganate... 2.5 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1L
Boiling immersion (15 min.)
Immerse object in boiling solution. A dark brown layer forms on surface after 1-2 min. Remove object and bristle-brush under hot water. Re-immerse and repeat process after 2 min. if necessary. Immerse again to approximately 15 min. remove and wash thoroughly in hot water using a bristle brush if necessary. Dry and wax finish of choice.
27. Blue Green - semi-matt (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Acetate... 20 gm [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Chloride... 35 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 L
Applied liquid.
With mortar and pestle, grind ingredients with a little water. Then add to remaining water. Dab and wipe on sparingly with soft cloth, to leave an evenly moist surface. Allow to dry in air. Repeat procedure once a day for several days as color develops. Dry for several days during which time the patina develops further. When there is no more surface change, wax to finish.
The most important part is to let it dry throughly between applications and up to two weeks before waxing.
28. Brown - Greenish Yellow (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Nitrate... 80 gm [MORE INFO]
- Nitric Acid 10% ... 100 ml [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 L
Immerse in hot solution (140-158°F, 60-70°C) to cause etching of the surface and gradual darkening. After 5 minutes remove and wash in warm water. Allow to air dry. When dry, wax finish.
29. Reddish Brown (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Sulfate... 125 gm [MORE INFO]
- Sodium Acetate... 12.5 gm
- Distilled Water... 1 L
Boiling immersion (10-15 min)
The color will develop after 10 - 15 min. Remove and wash in hot water. Dry thoroughly, wax finish.
30. Black (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 6.25 gm [MORE INFO]
- Ferric Nitrate... 50 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 L
Heat immersion - 1 minute.
When article is immersed in hot solution (120-140°F, 50-60°C) a succession of colors is produced. It changes to a purplish color after about 45 seconds. The color darkens quickly and the article is removed after about 1 minute. Wash thoroughly in hot water and air dry, wax finish.
31. Variegated Gold-Brown (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Potassium Permanganate... 10 gm [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 L
Hot immersion (3-5 min.)
Immerse in hot solution (194°F, 90°C). A golden lustre develops within one minute and becomes more intense. When lustre color is fully developed in 3 - 5 minutes, remove and wash in hot water, which is also a cooling process. Finally, wash article in cold water. Dry carefully first by blotting excess moisture with absorbant tissue paper and then air dry. Wax finish when dry.
32. Red (For Cast Bronze and Brass)
- Cupric Nitrate... 8 oz [MORE INFO]
- Oxalic Acid... 8 oz [MORE INFO]
- Distilled Water... 1 gal
Heat metal and apply hot liquid
New Arrivals - More Formulas for Copper.
33. Verde
- Cupric Sulfate... 8 parts by weight [MORE INFO]
- Ammonium Chloride... 4 parts by weight [MORE INFO]
- Sodium Chloride... 4 parts by weight [MORE INFO]
- Zinc Chloride... 1 part by weight [MORE INFO]
- Glacial Acetic Acid... 3 parts by weight [MORE INFO]
- Water... 128 parts by weight
A dip process patina, immerse object in solution for a few minutes, then remove. Repeat until a color appears. A preservative is optional. This patina is reported to produce more of a turquoise than a green. Color appears when removed from solution. Applying with a brush is an okay option.
34. Peacock Blue
- Sodium Thiosulfate... 150g [MORE INFO]
- Lead Acetate... 25g [MORE INFO]
- Cream of Tartar... 30g
- Water... 1 Liter
An intense, dip process, transparent patina. Immerse object for 20 to 30 minutes. A preservaative should be applied immediately after the object is removed and dried.
35. Yellow Green
- Ammonium Chloride... 7 parts by weight [MORE INFO]
- Cupric Acetate... 4 parts by weight [MORE INFO]
- Water... 8 parts by weight
A cold process, heavy opaque patina that takes effect after several applications. Preservative is optional.