Handheld UV Lamp, SW, 6W, UVG-54
6-watt model with 254 nm in one lamp. NC-1578
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
SW 254nm: 2250
6-watt model with 254 nm in one lamp. NC-1578
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
SW 254nm: 2250
6-watt model with 254 nm and 365 nm in one split tube. NC-0576
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
LW 365nm: 950
SW 254nm: 1290
6-watt model with 254 nm and 365 nm in two tubes. G-1605
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
LW 365nm: 1200
SW 254nm: 1350
6-watt, 12VDC model with 254 nm in one lamp. NC-0573
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
SW 254nm: 1800
6-watt, 12VDC model with 365 nm in one lamp. NC-1977
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
LW 365nm: 1650
4-watt model with 254, 302, 365nm in one lamp. NC-12267
Intensity µW/cm² @ 2"...
LW 365nm: 1147
SW 254nm: 1070
MR 302nm: 778
6-watt model with 254, 302, 365nm in one lamp. NC-12268
Intensity µW/cm² @ 2"...
LW 365nm: 1615
SW 254nm: 1858
MR 302nm: 1603
160-watt model B-100SP is a high intensity UV lamp. The Cool-Touch lamp housing is never too hot to touch. NC-10443
Intensity µW/cm² @ 2"...
LW 365nm: 11,600
Model BL-15 Longwave Inspection UV Black Light Lamp is ideal for inspection applications in inaccessible places such as automotive leak detection. NC-10442
8-watt model offering 365nm with twin tubes. NC-12281
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
LW 365nm: 2000
8-watt model offering 254nm with twin tubes. NC-12282
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
SW 254nm: 2300
8-watt model offering 302nm with twin tubes. NC-12283
Intensity µW/cm² @ 3"...
MR 302nm: 2000